Footy fever
So we finally had a chance to go to Melbourne's pride and joy - A Footy match (Aussie Rules Football) at the MCG! Can't tell you much about the rules of this game because our eyes weren't really on the ball (or the match), but focused on this amazing arena and the nutty crowds. We had 4th row seats(!) and the atmosphere was just electrifying. Check out the bright lights and what is probably the greenest grass in Victoria.

What's footy without beers? yup, went for the hot dogs and meat pies as well...

When we did try to follow the game it turned out to be a real chaos - there are just too many people on the field - about 15 players for each team, six (?) umpires (i.e. officials), cameramen, waterboys - and the Oval (field) itself is just huge. Still, we were close enough to see some action. Don't judge by these low-resolution pictures - these guys are the size of a small tank...

The fans were very loud, mildly offensive and in many cases, simply pissed. Despite that, they were well-mannered and as such quite a contrast to the hooligans that crowd soccer fields in Israel, Italy or the UK. Whether it is the cause or the result of this anticlimax, there are just so many kids, young girls and 'father and son' duos in the crowd. Altogether it seems a pretty safe, clean, family-oriented experience.

Some emotional moements...

Don't think this guy is a St. Kilda fan...

In the end, St. Kilda F.C. beat the Melbourne Demons by 30 or so points. Though we couldn't care less, the crowd's reaction had swept us away into celebrating... well not really, but we did go for a drink later...

Finally, this guy is far more efficient than me - That's a proffessional photographer, sending his photos to press right after the game is over.

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