A slow weekend
Didn't do much this week, so here are a couple of pictures of us, some places in the city and of the coastal environment in a nearby promenade.

Not sure about this one, but some kind of a local buzzard

This is but a tiny section of Liat's favourite city store. Go figure.

Being somewhat of a redhead (and a rebel) myself, I have always had a soft spot for the Irish. I love Irish music, though every time the pipes are calling, I'm not sure whether it is music I hear or just the tunning up of the instrument - these two were no exception. Unfortunately St. Patrick day this weekend had not been dramatically felt around the city. Most Melbournians probably prefered that anaemic Grand Prix over this.

I'm really proud of this one - it was taken in complete darkness excpet, of course, the city lights...

A detail of a cool laboratory-style city institute named 'the Croft institute'.
We really miss those of you who are abroad, and we hope you're all enjoying these.

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