Those of you who know me well enough know that every now and then I can get really excited about something that most people would consider to be a boring social sciences' jargon. I've been reading this
book about authenticity (BTW, I've read better ones) in which the
author discusses the preferences of a new social class - known as the
creative class - and its implications on everything around us, from culture to economics to urban structure and so on. It really made me think (!) about how it's all sounds very different from whatever it is you would believe if your only source of information was TV/Newspapers. Luckily for me, in Melbourne you don't have to go very far to explore this class's environment. Most of them are inner city dwellers - just like us!
So I grabbed the camera kit and went on a cultural expedition. I really like the fact that the streets here are literally paved with whatever on people's minds - that's pure democracy to me. I hope that most of these pictures speak for themselves, even if they aren't really technically impressive.